More crazy owners ....

Had a meeting with another crazy developer owner who's heard our secret about Serviced Accommodation.  This flat was destined for the rental market earning a measly £425 per month, we are estimating earning in excess of £1000 once all fees, bills and utilities are paid.

If you'd like to be earning that from your rental properties please come and have a chat and see what we do.


I love working with crazy owners.....

So today went for a site visit with one of our owners who has bought his next property specifically for the Serviced Accommodation market.  I said to him "will a shower fit in there" and his reply was "no we'll just move this wall"!  These guys are at it all hours of the day and night to get this house up and running and I just love their commitment.  Once it's nearly ready we'll be advising on inventory, furnishings and finishing touches.  Hoping to have listed by the end of August despite the owner telling me it'll be ready by the middle!!  

We will of course be bringing you some during and after shots in the coming weeks.


Sorry we've been so quiet ....

Such a busy few weeks which is why we've been so quiet.  We've been busy recruiting our own housekeepers which was very interesting.  Got a great couple of people to join the team.

Took on a new managed property which is just about to go live, just a few teaser pics to get started below.

Just about to hit graduation week here in the city too so lots of lovely graduands who have worked hard over the last few years and their amazing families that have supported them trhough this time.  Congratulcations to everyone graduating this week.


Football frenzy

Football fixtures released today!  We've got an eye on the big games and midweeks to increase revenue.  We are so lucky here in Liverpool to have 2 great teams on either side of the park, this means that most weekends one of the teams will be at home which increases both occupancy and revenue.

Here's to a great season.

Busy week

Had a really busy check out week this week.  Got lots of different check ins today and tomorrow too, people making the most of the beautiful weather.  

Between suspected broken hips and car being repaired in garages we've been busy bees working on our newest serviced apartment.  Just a 10 minte stroll into the city and right next to the picturesque Leeds to Liverpool canal, this apartment sleeps 5.  If you're interested please take a look here 

Excited beyond words

Great sunny day in Liverpool and excited to say today is the day we pick up keys to our latest property.  It's a fantastic 2 bedroom apartment just a 10 minute walk into the city.  We've got the furniture movers here today, painters tomorrow and new carpets on Friday.  It'll then be ready for a soft opening next week with our first lovely guests that actually booked the place with just one photo of the outside. 

The demand in Liverpool currently is far outstripping supply so if you do have a property you think may be suited to Serviced Accommodation why not come and have a chat to us.

Rock and roll

What a busy weekend we've just had here in sunny Liverpool.  We had the Rock and Rollers in town.  Saturday saw the 5K race which many used as a warm up for the main event, the marathon and half marathon on Sunday.  Liverpool was crowded and we have a time lapse just for you of the start of the race.  Check out our facebook page

Looking forward to next weekend which is a bank holiday (remember to turn your alarms off for Monday!)  we've got the tall ships in town and our favourite which we'll be visiting is the Bordeaux wine festival so another busy action packed weekend in our amazing city



Photo by lzf/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by lzf/iStock / Getty Images

Liverpool is filling up fast

With properties selling for over £800 for Champions League Final night we are gearing up for a really busy bank holiday weekend.  The weather is supposed to be nice and it's a bank holiday here in the UK so that combined with one of Liverpools finals it's going to be a scorcher. 

If you have an empty property you think you could use or just have a spare room in your own home please do contact us as we have a list of people desperate for accommodation.

Revolutionary time saving partnership

So after spending days and days at the laundry we realized this was going to be unsustainable the bigger we grew.  So we started sourcing laundry within our local area and after comparing quality and pricing we've decided to go for the one most local to us which is a bonus.  We are very much looking forward to providing hotel quality linen and soft fluffy towels at no extra cost to our partner hosts.

This will also free up a lot of our time to concentrate on other areas of the business

Photo by manonallard/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by manonallard/iStock / Getty Images

They're back

The long awaited Giants Spectacular will be back with us in October this year.  We are really looking forward to seeing our amazing city showcased around the world in a positive light.  We also look forward to all our properties hosting lots of lovely guests from around the world too.

Expedia update

So yesterday we had a lengthy meeting with a Senior Marketing Manager within Expedia.  We explained a bit about who we are and what we do and after lots of fruitful discussion came up with a strategy to increase midweek occupancy on many of our properties.

We'll also list with a few other websites we talked about so will be up and running in the next few weeks.